Log Volunteer Hours

Please send your completed volunteer hours information to Yvonne Upchurch.

Why we Track Volunteer Hours

Here is the district’s policy on volunteer hours and why they track them.

“Volunteer hours are part of the summative data for a school. This data becomes part of the overall evaluation for a school. Program evaluation is the process of systematically determining the quality of a school program and how the program can be improved. When the number of volunteer hours and areas of volunteer work are known, the school can determine its needs and set priorities. The volunteers, their talents, and the amount of time given can influence program approaches, materials and equipment, schedules, and other structuring choices in order to build a program that has a high likelihood of student success.”

These statistics are also helpful to our organization when applying for grants.

What activities are considered volunteer time

Volunteer time is any time contributed toward the school’s programs. Such as:

  • Committee Meetings and preparation
  • All volunteer activities and (work completed at home)
  • Pro-Grad
  • Chaperoning (In-town and out of town)
  • Booster Club activities
  • Fundraisers
  • Working merchandise, ticketing and concessions
  • Newsletters
  • Record keeping
  • Take home work for parents (e.g. phone calls, paper work, etc.)